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Category Archives: Diet and Nutrition


5 Tricks to Eating Healthy While Eating Out

By | Diet and Nutrition | No Comments

You know that when you visit a fast-food outlet, you’re getting junk – but other restaurants can also be a mine-field for your waist-line and nutrition. Here are some ways to eat better when you’re out Ask for it to be made your way For instance, if an item is fried, ask for it to be grilled or baked. If your disk comes with french fries, ask for a side of veggies or baked potato instead. Ask for a smaller portion of the meat and a larger portion of the salad; for salad instead of coleslaw ask for a Greek…

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What to eat if you have diabetes

By | Diet and Nutrition | No Comments

Most diabetics are under the impression that a diabetic diet is one which merely avoids sweet food. Instead the focus should be on a healthy-eating plan that’s naturally rich in nutrients and low in fat and calories. A diabetes diet has an emphasis on fruits, vegetables and whole grains. When you eat excess calories and fat, your body responds by creating an undesirable rise in blood glucose. If blood glucose isn’t kept in check, it can lead to serious problems, such as a dangerously high blood glucose level and chronic complications, such as nerve, kidney and heart damage. FOOD TO…

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The best snacks to take to work

By | Diet and Nutrition, Uncategorized, Workplace Health & Wellness | No Comments

Raise your hand if you know you should eat healthier snacks at work, but somehow end up bingeing on junk food. Healthy snacks are easier to find than you think, here are some ideas for what to take to work. Fresh fruit: You can’t go wrong with fresh fruit at the office. Slice up some fruits into a beautiful salad. If that sounds like too much effort, pack low-maintenance picks like apples, oranges, and pears, so all you need to do is wash and eat.   Dried Fruit: Fresh fruit is always a great snack option but if you want…

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4 Tips for a Healthier Weekend

By | Diet and Nutrition, Fitness | No Comments

The weekend can be a danger zone when it comes to our health and weight-loss goals. During the week, we usually fall into a habit of having three steady meals, plan our snacks, fit in exercise at the same time and generally stay on track with positive behaviour, but the weekend is where it can all fall to pieces. If your healthy habits get kicked to the curb on the weekend, here are some tips to keep you on track Eat as if its a weekday When Saturday rolls around, sleeping in or running around with errands means you can easily…

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4 Tips to help you look younger for longer

By | Diet and Nutrition | No Comments

If you find yourself looking in the mirror  and are looking a bit worse for wear, here are a few easy changes you can make to your everyday life to pump youthfulness back into your looks. Eat good fats Research shows dietary fat is of great benefit of the skin. Unsaturated fats are important for trapping water in skin, which keeps it moisturized and looking healthy and young. A study in the journal Plos One also found that a higher intake of monounsaturated fatty acids from plant sources like avocado and nuts was associated with less noticeable aging; the nutrients can help subdue…

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What to eat before you exercise

By | Diet and Nutrition, Fitness | No Comments

Food is what fuels your body, and is especially important to get the most out of your exercise. Your diet affects how long and how hard you can perform your exercises.  It’s a common myth that if you train on an empty stomach, especially in the morning, you burn off more fat. But the truth is that if do that, you’re more likely to eat up depleted carbohydrate stores and protein in your muscles. Ideally, eat 2-4 hours before working out, so that the food is out of your stomach and digested. The best pre-workout bite contains some form of…

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6 Healthy Eating Tips for Busy People

By | Diet and Nutrition, Fitness, Workplace Health & Wellness | No Comments

If you are always on the move and find yourself pigging out on junk food at the end of the day, here are some tips to help you eat better, and have more energy and vitality to keep up with your busy schedule. Eat often You’ve probably heard that it’s better to eat small frequent meals. This is because when you eat 4 to 6 small meals a day you keep your hunger at bay by being able to snack on different foods every few hours throughout the day. With only 3 meals per day, you are more likely to…

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How to keep your waistline trim this festive season

By | Diet and Nutrition, Fitness | No Comments

Holiday time is when healthy habits fly out the window, especially eating and drinking. So how can you have fun, but not trash all the work you did over the year? Most holidays are associated with certain foods, Keep the focus on fun, not food. Eat frequently Some people skip meals to ‘save’ space for huge lunches or dinners. To keep your blood sugar steady without overdoing it on calories, have a good breakfast and snacks throughout the day (such as a piece of whole-grain toast) so that when you meet up with family and friends for lunch or dinner,…

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Fitness foods may make you eat more, exercise less

By | Diet and Nutrition, Fitness | No Comments

Weight-conscious consumers are often drawn to foods such as health bars and cereals, whose packaging suggests that they promote fitness. But according to a new study in the Journal of Marketing Research, such “fitness branding” encourages consumers to eat more of those foods and to exercise less, potentially undermining their efforts to lose or control their weight. “Unless a food was forbidden by their diet, branding the product as ‘fit’ increased consumption for those trying to watch their weight,” write authors Joerg Koenigstorfer (Technische Universität München) and Hans Baumgartner (Pennsylvania State University). “To make matters worse, these eaters also reduced…

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Pregnant women not getting enough omega-3

By | Diet and Nutrition, Mom-to-Be | No Comments

It is recommended that all healthy adults including pregnant and lactating women consume at least 500 mg/day of omega-3 . According to a recent study, “Only 27% of women during pregnancy and 25% at three months postpartum met the current  recommendation for DHA. Seafood, fish and seaweed products contributed to 79% of overall n-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids intake from foods, with the majority from salmon. Results suggest that the majority of women were not meeting the recommendation for DHA during pregnancy and lactation.” The current study found women who took a supplement containing DHA were 10.6 and 11.1 times…

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